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Thomas J. Price, 2013 (London, United Kingdom)

Silicone Bronze, 3m high

“How some ‘truths’ seem universal and others vary from person to person has always fascinated me.” 
-Thomas J. Price

Thomas J. Price is known for his monumental bronze works that mimic traditional bronze public sculptures while posing challenging questions about who we choose to put on a pedestal. Instead of traditional White figures of authority and privilege, Price sculpts ordinary men and women of the street, particularly those of African descent. This figure of a Black man in a puffer vest with a cell phone in his hand is a composite portrait of multiple individuals.

Set in the middle of a stunning wooded path at Alnoba, this piece also challenges us to question our relationship with technology, demanding that you pay closer and richer attention to where you are – outside, the in woods.

This piece is part of the collection at Alnoba. See the full collection or check our upcoming tour schedule.